About Pro Solar Power   Zip Solar

Solar Provider

  • 100% Australian owned
  • Fast installation times
  • Guaranteed performance
  • Trusted solar provider

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Pro Solar Power   Zip Solar


We believe solar power can inspire your dreams. And that solar technology should inspire your trust. We demand more of ourselves because you deserve all the advantages that better solar can provide.

Create Your Energy at Home
With your solar panels, you will be creating your energy. As such, you will be using less from the grid and save money on your power bills. Furthermore, when your panels create more electricity than what your house requires, the excess electricity will go back to the grid. However, this depends on schemes in different territories. Solar panels are one way of protecting your household from the future price increase of electricity produced by traditional sources.
Minimal Maintenance
Solar panels require little maintenance. In the past years, some manufacturers advised their buyers to clean the panels every few years to make sure that it will continue producing energy. However, today’s solar panels do not require this level of upkeep. Experts agree that there is no need for high-performance cleaning of the solar panels. This is because the panels can still operate efficiently even if these are dirty.
The Cost of Using Solar Energy is Low
The benefits of solar power to Australian homes are countless. This is true when it comes to saving your money. The average residential solar panel unit is relatively cheap. There are indeed an initial start-up and set-up costs of a home solar power unit. However, it is worth looking at the upfront expenditure as an investment. There are various ongoing benefits for homeowners that will make up the initial costs.
With the current technological strides, the price of the solar modules has dropped by more than 75%.
Apart from the price drop, the average size of the home solar unit has doubled too. It has increased from 1 to 2 kilowatts (KW) to around 4 to 5 kilowatts (KW). Indeed, you can save big on your electric bill.
Renewable Energy
Solar power systems derive energy from the sun. ...
Reduce what you pay for electricity. You will meet some of your energy needs with the electricity your solar power system has generated. ...
Property value increase.
Low maintenance costs.